In Alaska, and particularly at UAF, most people think "rural" is code for Alaska Native and/or for Alaskan villages. Elsewhere, "rural" means not-urban, and has no ethnic connotation. Because we are in Alaska, but also because I was educated in a sociology graduate program that thought of "rural" as being about Midwestern farms, I have decided to take a both-and approach to the study of Rural Sociology. We will spend about one third of our time examining Alaska rurality, and about two thirds of our time studying non-Alaska rurality. I think you will discover that many rural issues crosscut regions, and even cut across time and historical periods. So, for example, rural communities have struggled to create vibrant local economic cultures in competition with urban areas for centuries. Matters of ethnicity and inequalities based on ethnicity and race have also plagued rural communities for generations. These issues are not new. But they are fascinating to study using sociological ideas, and that's what we will do together this semester on this forum. And many of the ideas we will talk about are new ways to look at rural issues. For example, we will analyze wolf control policies in Alaska by discussing masculinities. We will extend our analysis of rural masculinities to talk about drinking in rural pubs.
My particular focus on Alaska rurality is on the myths of Alaska. There is comparatively little sociological research that has been published on Alaska rural issues, and in trying to understand why this is, I came to realize that much that has been written and filmed about creates and sustains myths. We've all heard these myths: there's a moose behind every tree in Alaska; rural Alaska is the last frontier, where people can be true individualists; Alaska Native villages are either 1) crumbling into oblivion through inevitable forces, or 2) thriving by continuing their traditional ways. Which myth one believes depends partly on personal experience, and partly on who one listens to. The reality about Alaska villages probably lies somewhere in between these two poles, as we will talk about this semester.
I invite you to discuss the issues with me on this blog. Please see the guidelines for commenting and posting to the blog. I'm excited about our upcoming discussions, and I hope you are, too.
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